The website is owned by RIPOSTA SPORTS CLUB ASSOCIATION, located at 32 Florarilor Street, sector 5, Bucharest, registration number in the Register of Associations 4103495/24.04.2019, tax identification code 21799106, hereinafter referred to as RIPOSTA SPORTS CLUB ASSOCIATION.
I. Intellectual property
The materials incorporated in this site are the intellectual property of RIPOSTA SPORTS CLUB ASSOCIATION or its partners. Copying or reproduction of these materials is strictly prohibited. Printing or electronic saving of the site pages is permitted as long as the purpose is strictly for personal use.
II. Copyright
All rights reserved. The text, images, graphics, animations, videos and their arrangement on the RIPOSTA SPORTS CLUB ASSOCIATION website are subject to copyright and intellectual property protection. These objects may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may they be modified or posted on other sites.
III. Accuracy of information
This site contains information for information purposes and is intended for visitors, customers and potential customers of RIPOSTA SPORTS CLUB ASSOCIATION. RIPOSTA SPORTS CLUB ASSOCIATION makes every effort to ensure that the data contained in this site is accurate and up-to-date.
IV. Personal data protection
RIPOSTA SPORTS CLUB ASSOCIATION will process the data voluntarily provided by you with the utmost confidentiality, in accordance with the laws in force. The collection, storage, processing, archiving and destruction of your data will be done in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.
The purpose of collecting your data is to improve our services so that we meet your needs with personalized services. The information provided may only be used by RIPOSTA SPORTS CLUB ASSOCIATION, its partners and its proxies.
For details on how we process your personal data, please read more on our website by going to the Data Protection Policy section, page Information notice on the processing of personal data.
V. Cookies policy
We may collect information about you automatically using cookies on the site. This information will be stored in the form of a “Cookie”. Cookies are small files made up of letters and numbers that are sent from the site to the device from which the site is accessed. Cookies are temporarily stored on your device. Cookies do not contain viruses or other harmful content for your device. Some cookies are necessary for the functioning of the site, they ensure among other things the security of the site and your session.
Please refer to the policy on cookies used by this site by going to the Cookie Policy section.
VI. Applicable law and jurisdictions
This site was created and operates in accordance with the laws in force in Romania. Any disputes that may arise will be settled amicably or, if this is not possible, by the competent Romanian courts.
VII. Final notes
For any explanation of the contents or in case you need further information on the contents of this Terms and Conditions page, please contact us by email at We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
Riposta Sports Club Association is the first private fencing club in Romania, founded in 2008, which currently has about 70 members and the newest training hall in the country.